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Qatar Development Bank
Service category:
Finance & Law
Service types:
Unlike any other bank, QDB is not focused on profits, but rather on accelerating Qatar’s economic diversity.
In a market rich with natural resources and citizens filled with entrepreneurial spirit, QDB encourages and supports the private sector to think big, go further and achieve more. Unlike any other bank, QDB is not focused on profits, but rather on accelerating Qatar’s economic diversity and having a positive impact on Qatar’s GDP through building a knowledge based economy and helping the companies become more competitive and achieve their goals quicker. That’s why at QDB, we welcome new ideas, we listen, advise and support, so that together we can ensure that tomorrow is brighter and more prosperous than today.
In a market rich with natural resources and citizens filled with entrepreneurial spirit, QDB encourages and supports the private sector to think big, go further and achieve more. Unlike any other bank, QDB is not focused on profits, but rather on accelerating Qatar’s economic diversity and having a positive impact on Qatar’s GDP through building a knowledge based economy and helping the companies become more competitive and achieve their goals quicker. That’s why at QDB, we welcome new ideas, we listen, advise and support, so that together we can ensure that tomorrow is brighter and more prosperous than today.
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